Yuanning Feng will be departing from the Stoddart Group at Northwestern University this summer to embark on his independent academic career in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Oklahoma from August 2023.
In addition to his past seven years as a Graduate Student and a Postdoctoral Fellow of the Stoddart Group, Yuanning has worked with people in various research groups and institutes. He graduated as the 117th PhD student in 2021 with a 604-page PhD Thesis entitled The Rise and Promise of Artificial Molecular Machines. In addition to organic chemistry, he expanded his research interests to embrace the fields of molecular nanotopology, systems chemistry and photophysical chemistry, collaborating with Professors Dean Astumian, Douglas Philp and Michael Wasielewski. He has enjoyed his mentorship of junior group members including Christopher Lee, Chi-Hsien Wang, Chang-Xin Zhao and Luke Malaisrie. In the future, he plans to apply synthetic organic, polymer and supramolecular chemistry to the investigation of dynamic functional polymers, biomimicking catalysis and photoluminescent materials.
Congratulations, Yuanning! The time has come for you to forge your own path. We eagerly await your the groundbreaking achievements in your independent research. Best of luck!
You can keep track of Yuanning’s independent research activities at his new group website (yuanningfeng.wixsite.com/website) and Twitter account (@Feng_Group).
Pictured below — Yuanning Feng with Fraser, and Yuanning standing in front of the SLSRC building at the University of Oklahoma: