An article by Yassine Beldjoudi and co-workers entitled “Supramolecular Porous Organic Nanocomposites for Heterogeneous Photocatalysis of a Sulfur Mustard Simulant” has just landed on the front cover of the August issue of Advanced Materials ( Adv. Mater. 2020, 32, 2001592).
Manipulating the excited‐state evolution in host-guest complexes is of importance in developing new applications for organic molecular materials. In particular, the efficient production of triplet‐excited states in organic compounds upon light photoexcitation is of interest because of the wide range of applications it offers. The article reports a new organic nanocomposite that combines both porosity and efficient photosensitizing properties for the detoxification of a sulfur mustard simulant. The results reveal a number of other opportunities for facile fine-tuning of the singlet-triplet transformation in donor-acceptor dyads using host-guest chemistry which can unleash fundamental and technological advances for the future design of triplet excited-state chromophores.
Pictured below – Advanced Materials cover depicting Supramolecular Porous Organic Nanocomposites for Heteregeneous Photocatalysis of a Sulfur Mustard Simulant. Cover image created by Visiting Researcher Marco Ovalle: