We hunt in packs at NU for the biggest prey in the jungle of the chemical and materials sciences. The intimate collaboration between Postdoctoral Fellow Penghao Li and Zhijie Chen, Postdoctoral Fellow in Omar Farha’s Group, on ultraporous MOFs has led to an article being published in the April issue of Science. See Publication #1187 or Science 2020, 368, 297−303. This article reports the design and synthesis of MOF NU-1501 with ultrahigh porosity and surface area for the storage of hydrogen and methane. The work has received world-wide attention from both the scientific community and the general public. It has been featured, for example, in BBC News, Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN) and Northwestern Now News.
Picture below − Highly porous programmable sponge for clean energy storage. Credit: Zhijie Chen, Timur Islamoglu and Northwestern Now News.