Enciso, Alan
Alan was born in Puebla, Mexico. After high school, he received the prestigious “Excelencia Jenkins” scholarship to attend Universidad de las Americas, Puebla (UDLAP) where he obtained his bachelor’s degree in chemistry and graduated cum laude. During his graduate studies, he worked with Prof. Eric Simanek at Texas Christian University (TCU), investigating the synthesis of virus-sized dendrimers based on triazine, and their use as drug delivery systems. In the last semester of his PhD he was a visiting student in the laboratory of Prof. Jeremiah Johnson at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) developing strategies for iterative exponential growth (IEG) polymers. In 2016, Alan received support from the Mexican Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT) to pursue his first postdoctoral appointment under the supervision of Prof. Krzysztof Matyjaszewski and Prof. Alan Russell at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), where he worked in the development of strategies for the synthesis of polymers in open-to-air conditions, design of highly active ATRP ligands and the synthesis of protein-polymer bioconjugates. In October 2018, Alan joined the laboratory of Prof. Sir Fraser Stoddart at Northwestern University (NU), where he will expand his scientific knowledge to include mechanically interlocked molecules. In his free time, he participates as a reviewer of Polymer Chemistry (RCS) journal.