One former group member and one current member, Marco Ovalle and Jim Seale, respectively, have been selected to be the 2023 Foresight Fellows in the Molecular Machines Group at the Foresight Institute. The Foresight Fellowship is a one-year program committed to giving change-makers the support to accelerate their bold ideas heading into the future. During the one-year program, Fellows are invited to attend and engage in events, connect with other Fellows and are mentored by a more senior affiliate of the Institute.
Marco and Jim began their graduate research journey around the same time in the Stoddart group: Marco as a predoctoral scholar and Jim as a PhD student. In 2021 they were coauthors on a JACS Perspective that became their first publication in the scientific literature. The title of that article, “Molecular Pumps and Motors”, has now become the research descriptor for their Foresight Fellowships. Currently, Marco is a Third Year PhD Student in Ben Feringa’s laboratory at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, where he focuses on light-driven molecular machines. Jim is a Fourth Year PhD Candidate in the Stoddart group, where he focuses on integrating molecular pumps into soft matter systems.
Well done Marco and Jim! Many congratulations!
Pictured below – 2023 Foresight Fellows Jim Seale and Marco Ovalle: