Former Postdoctoral Fellow Cristian Pezzato, who moved to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) as a Junior Group Leader in 2019, has recently taken up the position of Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track) at the Department of Chemical Sciences of the University of Padova thanks to a Rita Levi Montalcini Grant from the Italian Ministry of University and Research.
During his stay in the Stoddart Group, Cristian worked on the design and synthesis of mechanically interlocked molecules, paying particular attention to the development of new prototypes of artificial molecular pumps and protocols to make them work by means of controlled potential electrolysis. On the other hand, as a Swiss National Science Foundation “Ambizione” Fellow he developed tools for probing the thermodynamics and kinetics of merocyanine photoacids in water and tuning their visible light-triggered reversible pH changes. In Padova, he plans to implement his recent discoveries in the growing field of metastable-state photoacids to solar energy harvesting devices.
Congratulations, Cristian! Now is the time to consolidate your own research activities. We are looking forward to your future work on molecular photoswitches. Good luck!
You can keep track of Cristian’s current research activities at the Laboratory for Macromolecular and Organic Chemistry (MOC) website.
Pictured below – Cristian Pezzato alongside the logo for the University of Padova: