Postdoctoral Fellow Liang Feng was selected as a 2022 CAS Future Leader by the ACS Division of Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS). The CAS Future Leaders program awards early-career scientists—a group of elite PhD students and postdoctoral scholars from around the world—with leadership training and a trip to the ACS National Meeting & Exposition, one of the most respected scientific meetings in the world. The selection provides invaluable networking opportunities with peer scientists and renowned leaders in addition to inspiration from science-industry thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and professional communicators. Liang has been invited to take an expense-paid trip to CAS Headquarters in Columbus, Ohio during August 15—20, 2022, and an expense-paid trip to ACS Fall 2022 in Chicago, Illinois during August 21—25, 2022. He will be awarded $1,000 USD, 1-year CAS SciFindern access, 3-year ACS membership, profile featured in C&EN, complimentary registration for the National Meeting, complimentary registration for an ACS Professional and Leadership Development course at the National Meeting, and lifetime membership in the CAS Future Leaders Alumni Community. The list is now live online.
In addition, Liang’s poster on Mechanisorption was selected as this year’s #RSCPoster winner under #RSCMat (Materials Chemistry). The #RSCPoster Twitter Conference is an annual online event held entirely over Twitter to bring members of the scientific research community together to share their research, network, and engage in scientific debate. Held online over 24 hours, the unique format removes the environmental and financial costs of attending a traditional conference and helps scientific researchers share their work and network across disciplines, wherever they are in the world. This year saw around 900 poster presenters from 69 countries sharing over 8,000 #RSCPoster tweets, covering 13 subject areas, from analytical chemistry to engineering. Poster winners are chosen by the subject chairs. Liang’s poster receives 278 likes and 29,181 impressions.
Enjoy the cartoon below made by #CartoonAbstract to celebrate Liang’s winning on the #RSCPoster Twitter Conference. See all winners listed here.