Yunyan Qiu will take his leave of the Stoddart Group at Northwestern in the summer to start his independent academic career in Singapore. He will move to a tenure-track position as a Presidential Young Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the National University of Singapore in June 2022.
During his past five years as a member of the Stoddart Group, Yunyan has worked on harnessing artificial molecular machines to prepare functional materials. In the future, he plans to apply synthetic organic, polymer, macrocyclic and supramolecular chemistry to the design and synthesis of functional dynamic materials and catalysts for environmental, energy, and nature-inspired biomedical applications.
Congratulations Yunyan! Now, the time is coming to do your own thing. We are looking forward to your breaking new ground in your future research. Good luck!
You can keep track of Yunyan’s independent research activities at his new group website:
Pictured below – Yunyan with Fraser in 2021 alongside the National University of Singapore logo: