Cycladex, a company providing a greener and more efficient alternative to the use of cyanide in precious metals extraction with a ‘disruptive’ new chemical process developed in the Stoddart Group laboratory – see Publication #999 Nature Commun. 2013, 4, Article 1855 – has partnered with BC Mining of Baja Mexico to complete development of a new demonstration unit. The unit has the capacity to process 2-4 MT per day of ore and has already successfully run initial batches. This unit will also be used to process additional ore from artisanal mines nearby after completion of the optimization work using BC Mining’s ore. The technology pioneered by Cycladex was originally developed by the Stoddart Group and utillizes cyclodextrins to extract precious ore in a safer and more environmentally friendly manner when compared to current cyanide-employing methods. The full press release can be seen on the Cycladex website.
Pictured below – Graphical Abstract for Publication #999 Nature Commun. 2013, 4, Article 1855: